Born on May 1, 1971. Nationality: P. R. China. Registered residence: Beijing
Employment History
Since 2017: Professor, Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology
Shanxi University – 山西大学
2014-2017: Associate Professor, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences – 中科院自然科学史研究所
2013-2014: Assistant Professor, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences – 中科院自然科学史研究所
Areas of Research
AOS: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy of Physics – 物理学哲学
AOC: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science – 心灵哲学,一般科学哲学
2009-2012: PhD in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney.
Supervisors: Huw Price and Dean Rickles – 悉尼大学科学史与科学哲学博士
Thesis: Interpreting Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Random Discontinuous Motion of Particles
1992-1995: MSc, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Dissertation: An Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Pattern Recognition
1988-1992: BSc in Electronic Engineering, Beihang University
Fellowships and Awards
2024, Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
2017, Young Scholar of the Yangtze River Scholars Program, Ministry of Education of the
People's Republic of China – 教育部青年长江学者
2016 - 2019, Research Project grant from National Social Science Foundation of China, Grant No:
16BZX021 (200K RMB), “Studies on the measurement problem”.
2015 - 2017, Research Project grant from Chinese Academy of Sciences (150K RMB),
“Implications of the meaning of the wave function for solving the measurement problem”.
2014 - 2016, Research Project grant from Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
(30K RMB), “Meaning of the wave function”.
2014 - 2015, Top Priorities Program of the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences under Grant No. Y45001209G (60K RMB). “History of collapse theories”.
2010, Lucy Firth Scholarship in Philosophy
2009, Lucy Firth Scholarship in Philosophy
2009-2012, University of Sydney International Scholarship
2009-2012, Postgraduate Scholarship in Quantum Foundations
Books – 著作
1.Shan Gao, Meaning of the Wave Function: In Search of the Ontology of Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2017. [英文专著,剑桥大学出版社]
2.Shan Gao, God Does Play Dice with the Universe. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2009. (in Chinese) [清华大学出版社]
3. Shan Gao, Quantum: A Historical and Logical Journey. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003. (in Chinese) [清华大学出版社]
Edited Volumes – 主编文集
1. Shan Gao, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2023. [牛津大学出版社]
2. Shan Gao, Collapse of the Wave Function: Models, Ontology, Origin, and Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2018. [剑桥大学出版社]
3. Mary Bell and Shan Gao, Quantum Nonlocality and Reality: 50 Years of Bell’s theorem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2016. [剑桥大学出版社]
4. Shan Gao, Protective Measurement and Quantum Reality: Toward a New Understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2015. [剑桥大学出版社]
Papers – 英文文章
1. Shan Gao, On the Reality of the Quantum State Once Again: A No-Go Theorem for Psi-Ontic Models?. Foundations of Physics 54, 52 (2024). [SCI收录]
2. Shan Gao, Does Locality Imply Reality of the Wave Function? Hardy’s Theorem Revisited. Foundations of Physics 54, 44 (2024). [SCI收录]
3. Shan Gao, Why the Global Phase is Not Real. Foundations of Physics 54, 19 (2024).
4. Shan Gao, Is the Universe in a Mixed State? Foundations of Physics 54, 7 (2024). [SCI收录]
5. Shan Gao, Can the Ontology of Bohmian Mechanics Consists Only in Particles? The PBR Theorem Says No. Foundations of Physics 53, 91 (2023). [SCI收录]
6. Shan Gao, Is Superluminal Signaling Possible in Collapse Theories of Quantum Mechanics? Foundations of Physics 53, 87 (2023). [SCI收录]
7. Shan Gao, Can Pragmatist Quantum Realism Explain Protective Measurements? Foundations of Physics 53, 11 (2022). [SCI收录]
8. Shan Gao, Protective Measurements and the Reality of the Wave Function. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 73(3), 777-794 (2022). [SSCI收录]
9. Shan Gao, Understanding Time Reversal in Quantum Mechanics: A New Derivation. Foundations of Physics 52, 114 (2022). [SCI收录]
10. Shan Gao, On Bell’s Everett (?) Theory. Foundations of Physics 52, 89 (2022). [SCI收录]
11. Shan Gao, Is Retrocausal Quantum Mechanics Consistent with Special Relativity? Foundations of Physics 52, 24 (2022). [SCI收录]
12. Shan Gao, A No-Go Result for QBism. Foundations of Physics 51, 103 (2021). [SCI收录]
13. Shan Gao, Does Quantum Cognition Imply Quantum Minds? Journal of Consciousness Studies 28, 3-4 (2021). [SSCI收录]
14. Shan Gao, Existence of macroscopic spatial superpositions in collapse theories. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 86, 1-5 (2021). [SSCI收录]
15. Shan Gao, A Puzzle for the Field Ontologists. Foundations of Physics 50, 1541-1553 (2020). [SCI收录]
16. Shan Gao, The measurement problem revisited. Synthese 196, 299-311 (2019). [SSCI收录]
17. Shan Gao, Why protective measurement implies the reality of the wave function: Further consolidation. In D. Aerts, M. Chiara, C. de Ronde and D. Krause (eds.), Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics: Information, Contextuality, Relationalism and Entanglement, World Scientific. 2019. pp. 89-98. [世界科学出版社]
18. Shan Gao, Three arguments for the reality of wave-function collapse. In S. Gao (ed.), Collapse of the Wave Function: Models, Ontology, Origin, and Implications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. [剑桥大学出版社]
19. Shan Gao, Is an Electron a Charge Cloud? A Reexamination of Schrödinger’s Charge Density Hypothesis. Foundations of Science 23, 145-157 (2018). [A&HCI收录]
20. Shan Gao, Some thoughts on quantum nonlocality and its apparent incompatibility with relativity. In S. Gao (ed.), Quantum Nonlocality and Reality: 50 Years of Bell’s theorem. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. [剑桥大学出版社]
21. Shan Gao, An argument for ψ-ontology in terms of protective measurements. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 52, 198-202 (2015). [SCI, A&HCI收录]
22. Shan Gao, How do electrons move in atoms? ‒From the Bohr model to quantum mechanics. In F. Aaserud and H. Kragh (eds.), One Hundred Years of the Bohr Atom: Proceedings From a Conference, Scientia Danica. Series M: Mathematica et physica, vol. 1. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2015. pp. 450-464. [丹麦皇家科学院院刊]
23. Shan Gao, Reality and meaning of the wave function. In S. Gao (ed.), Protective Measurement and Quantum Reality: Toward a New Understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. [剑桥大学出版社]
24. Shan Gao, On Uffink's criticism of protective measurements, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 44, 513-518 (2013). [SCI, A&HCI收录]
25. Shan Gao, Does gravity induce wavefunction collapse? An examination of Penrose's conjecture. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 44, 148-151 (2013). [SCI, A&HCI收录]
26. Shan Gao, A discrete model of energy-conserved wavefunction collapse, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 469, 20120526 (2013). [SCI收录]
27. Shan Gao, A quantum physical argument for panpsychism, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 20, 59-70 (2013). [SSCI收录]
28. Shan Gao, Meaning of the wave function, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 111, 4124-4138 (2011). [SCI收录]
29. Shan Gao, On Diósi-Penrose criterion of gravity-induced quantum collapse, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49, 849–853 (2010). [SCI收录]
30. Shan Gao, A quantum theory of consciousness, Minds and Machines: Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, 18, 39-52 (2008). [SCIE收录]
31. Shan Gao, A model of wavefunction collapse in discrete space-time, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 45, 1965-1979 (2006). [SCI收录]
32. Shan Gao, A conjecture on the origin of dark energy, Chinese Physics Letters 22, 783 (2005). [SCI收录]
33. Shan Gao, Quantum collapse, consciousness and superluminal communication, Foundations of Physics Letters, 17, 167-182 (2004). [SCI收录]
1. Interpreting Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Random Discontinuous Motion of Particles. International Workshop on “The Meaning of the Wave Function”. Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China, October 12-14, 2018.
2.A Particle Ontological Interpretation of the Wave Function. EmQM17: Towards Ontology of Quantum Mechanics and the Conscious Agent. David Bohm Centennial Symposium. University of London, UK, 26-28 October 2017.
3. An argument for ψ-ontology in terms of protective measurements. The 18th UK and European Conference on Foundations of Physics, London School of Economics, UK, 16-18 July 2016.
4. How do electrons move in atoms? ‒ From the Bohr model to quantum mechanics. The history of science conference: One hundred years of the Bohr atom, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen, 11-14 June 2013.
5. Protective measurement and the interpretation of the wave function, PIAF (Perimeter Institute - Australia Foundations) Workshop in Foundations, Griffith University, Brisbane, 1-3 December 2010.
6. The discreteness of spacetime and its three possible implications, Foundations of Physics Seminar, Centre for Time (SOPHI), University of Sydney, 10 November 2010.
7. Meaning of the wave function, HPS Research Seminar, Unit for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney, 25 October 2010.
8. Does motion have a cause? Workshop on Decision and Causation, University of Sydney, 30 April 2010.
9. The wave function and quantum reality, Foundations of Physics Seminar, Centre for Time (SOPHI), University of Sydney, 14 October 2009.
Teaching – 讲授课程
Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (量子力学的哲学): Fall 2019 - Fall 2023
Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Science, Fall 2017 - Fall, 2023
Professional Service
Managing Editor, International Journal of Quantum Foundations, 2015 to present
Served as a referee for British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Science, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Mind and Matter, Sophia, Studies in the History of Natural Sciences (in Chinese), Synthese, Theoria, and Cambridge University Press.
Professional/Research References
Prof. Kaining Wang
Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology
Shanxi University
Taiyuan 030006, P. R. China
Email: wangkn@sxu.edu.cn
Office: +86-0351 7011215
Prof. Dean Rickles
Unit for History and Philosophy of Science
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006, Australia
Email: dean.rickles@sydney.edu.au
Office: +61-02 9351 8552
Peter J. Lewis
Department of Philosophy
Dartmouth College
NH 03755, USA
Email: Peter.J.Lewis@dartmouth.edu
Office: +01-60 3646 2308